Could a recent paper on the cortical structures behind music and language processing identify an issue with music and memory research?
Unveiling the Mnemonic Magic: Experimenting with Music, Lyrics, and Memory Enhancement
Can we use music as a mnemonic device for physical tasks? It might, but we need to watch for some confounding factors.
Data-Backed Insights For Effective Podcast Advertising – New Study
Want effective podcast advertising? New research says to ditch the download numbers and consider the host instead.
7 Counterintuitive Tips for More Persuasive Writing
You know the rules of good writing. Unfortunately, these rules might be costing you. Here’s how to break the rules if you want to write persuasively.
Connecting Universities to Communities With a PSE Portal
Students need opportunities. Businesses need expertise. They both need a system that works. Here’s one way to do that.
Consumer Psychology Cheat Sheet: 3 Steps to Identify Customer Types and the Info They Seek
To understand what information works best for your target market, you must know when customers use each information type and why. Here’s how to figure that out.
The Danger of Silence & the Struggle to Control the Narrative: Why we need smart conversations about ugly things
Don’t platform bigots, racists, and conspiracy theorists. We hear it all the time, but something ugly lurks in the silence…